9 marzo 2018

Participation of Juan Carlos Ramírez, CSO / CTO of VIVEbiotech, at the BiotechForum 2018 congress

Farmaforum 2018, the Forum of the Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Laboratory Technologies held its fifth edition in Madrid on March 8th.

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7 marzo 2018

Celebration of the second edition of the Forum of Experience

First Grade students have visited VIVEbiotech on the occasion of the celebration of the second edition of the Forum of Experience in the Gipuzkoa Science...

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27 febrero 2018

The COO and the CSO/CTO of VIVEbiotech were interviewed by Radio Euskadi

José Manuel Franco, COO, and Juan Carlos Ramírez, CSO / CTO of VIVEbiotech were interviewed on the Boulevard program of Radio Euskadi.

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19 febrero 2018

Our CEO, Gurutz Linazasoro, interviewed by Diario Vasco

Our CEO was interviewed by Diario Vasco and confirmed that VIVEbiotech is immersed in a capital increase to multiply its capacity tenfold and meet much...

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15 febrero 2018

The General Representative of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, and the Representative for Economic Promotion, Ainhoa Aizpuru, visited VIVEbiotech today

The General Representative of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, and the Representative for Economic Promotion. Ainhoa ​​Aizpuru, visited VIVEbiotech today to see first hand the contribution that...

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12 febrero 2018

New concession of the Seal of Excellence by the European Union

VIVEbiotech has been awarded again with the Seal of Excellence by the European Union with the project entitled “Safeguarding gene therapy: LENTISOMA an innovative safEfficient...

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22 enero 2018

Publication of VIVEbiotech in “Estrategia Empresarial”

The biweekly newspaper "Estrategia Empresarial" has published a new on its Inno-Tech section on the occasion of the visit of the Health Minister of the...

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17 enero 2018

VIVEbiotech has received the visit of the Deputy Minister of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness, and the Director of Technology and Strategy of the Basque Government

VIVEbiotech has received the visit of Estíbaliz Hernáez and Iosu Madariaga, Deputy Minister of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness, and Director of Technology and...

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15 enero 2018

The Regional Minister of Health of the Basque Government visits VIVEbiotech

The Regional Minister of Health of the Basque Government, Jon Darpón, the Deputy Minister of Health, Iñaki Berraondo, and the Director of Health...

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3 enero 2018

Events for first part of 2018

New year 2018 has finally arrived and VIVEbiotech´s team is already preparing its attendance to different congresses to continue spreading its international presence.

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